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Lena Thang

Cleaning For Pets

Ever Wonder If You're Missing Something In Maintaining A Clean Environment For Your Pets?

After meeting many other pet owners, we have noticed there are a couple things some people don't know about maintaining a clean and healthy environment for their pets.

“Are these things we need to do regularly?”

Absolutely! Our pets don't have a voice of their own so even if they are having issues, they won't be able to tell us. Some of the things we will list will be beneficial in making sure your pets stay healthy and are not getting sick due to simple cleaning solutions that could have prevented things from getting worse.

4 Clean Pet Tips

First, a very simple one that not everyone does is to wash their food and water bowls every day. Pets can actually get pimples and break out also from old bowls or dishes that don't get cleaned regularly. Stainless steel is ideal as it is easy to clean and you will never have to worry about any dangerous chemicals from leaking into their food or water like other types of bowls.

Second is for cat owners. Every month, the litter box should be completely emptied and cleaned with soap and water. Cats are very clean creatures and just like we clean our toilets, cat litter boxes should also be cleaned every so often. This will help prevent possible UTI's and of course, keep your home smelling fresher.

Third, this is so important but some pet owners don't worry about it until it's already late. It is not an environment issue but is so important. That is, brushing their teeth. Just like us, pets also need their teeth cleaned to make sure their teeth and gums are strong and healthy. If you're starting early in their life, you can do this once a week unless otherwise stated by their veterinarian.

Fourth, for those pet owners who love to dress their pets! You can buy children hangers to hang up those cute little outfits/bandanas either in your closet or you can get a little open closet for them. It's a great way to keep things organized!

We hope this has been helpful and your pets continue to live happily and healthily!

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